Our real estate attorneys handle transactions and disputes for individuals and businesses involving buying or selling real estate and real estate-related disputes such as eminent domain, liens, boundaries, partitions, and contracts.
We help with a wide array of real estate matters, including the following:
- Real Estate Development, Acquisitions, and Financing
- Zoning, Land Use, and Variances
- Purchase Agreements
- Leases
- Mechanic’s Liens
- Construction Contracts
- Construction Disputes
- Real Estate Fraud
- Purchase Agreement and Lease Disputes
- Eminent Domain
- Property Boundary and Partition Disputes
Our firm accepts client referrals from reputable lawyers and law firms. We understand that conflicts of interest may arise between a law firm and its client. Our firm regularly helps these clients who need counsel to handle their legal matters. We respect the existing attorney-client relationship and appreciate the opportunity to work with these businesses on an individual basis.
We are also a member of the Legal Netlink Alliance, which is a worldwide network of independent law firms including other corporate law lawyers who are dedicated to providing top-quality legal services. Legal Netlink gives us access to lawyers all over the world when our client’s legal needs span across state lines or international boundaries.
Our attorneys handle matters of commercial law that affect businesses by working closely with your in-house counsel. You rely on your in-house counsel to provide you with direction on your general business practices. However, when situations escalate, our business law attorneys can offer assistance to your in-house team and a deeper level of expertise for your complex commercial law matters.
In addition to business litigation and dispute resolution services, we also offer free Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars to in-house lawyers on various topics that arise in litigation.
Indianapolis Real Estate Litigation Lawyers Representing Indianapolis Businesses
Buying and selling real estate is one of the largest financial transactions that a person or business can make. Executing a purchase or sale agreement for real property can be stressful if disputes arise. You can protect your investment by hiring Indianapolis real estate litigation lawyers who are experienced in these types of transactions and are aggressive in advocating for their clients.
The volatility of the real estate market over the past decade has added to the stress associated with property transfer transactions. When parties to a real estate transaction such as developers, buyers, sellers, lenders, appraisers, and agents are in dispute, our real estate lawyers can help bring the parties together in negotiation or take the matter to court if talks break down.
Real Estate Fraud
The unpredictability of the real estate market has led some individuals to engage in illegal activities in order to make a profit, or keep from suffering a loss. Real estate fraud is a misrepresentation via false documents or a false statement that a party makes during a property transfer transaction. Examples of real estate fraud can include the production of bogus tax returns, fraudulent disbursement requests, or altered financial statements.
Real Estate Breach of Contract
When a party fails to uphold the obligations required by a valid agreement, a breach of contract occurs. Some examples of a real estate breach of contract can include a contractor who uses substandard supplies, does not complete the job timely, or a payment that is not made on time.
CohenMalad, LLP Can Help With Your Real Estate Dispute
If you find yourself involved in a business real estate dispute, contact us. Our business lawyers have handled real estate matters for parties from developers to agents in property transactions and can advocate for you.