Insufficient Funds Fees Attorneys
Financial institutions like banks and credit unions charge fees when transactions are returned unpaid because customers do not have sufficient funds in their checking accounts. These charges are referred to as insufficient funds fees or NSF fees.
Some banks and credit unions have faced lawsuits after consumers claimed they were charged improper insufficient funds fees. In some cases, banks charged multiple insufficient funds fees on a single transaction. These consumer protection lawsuits have been filed against banks and credit unions of all sizes throughout the United States.
CohenMalad, LLP class action attorneys have represented millions of consumers in consumer protection lawsuits related to improper overdraft fees, insufficient funds fees and other bank fees. Contact us if you believe you were charged improper bank fees. The consultation is free and there is no up-front cost to you to be a part of a lawsuit. Our attorney fees and expenses are paid through the settlement.
More information about our consumer protection litigation work including a list of banks and credit unions that we have brought suit against can be found here.