With dozens of infrastructure/redevelopment projects currently invoking condemnation law (also known as “eminent domain“), CohenMalad, LLP’s Real Estate Services & Litigation practice has created a new resource focused on property owners’ rights in the state of Indiana.
There are often discrepancies between what the condemning authority considers fair, and what the property owner considers fair. Beyond the immediate value of a taking, eminent domain actions may have significant long-term implications. But, in these proceedings, a property owner has only one opportunity to receive compensation, no matter what issues later arise.
Our firm has proudly served Indiana since 1968, working hard to protect and uphold the rights of Hoosiers. We have fought for property owners in hundreds of eminent domain cases, through negotiation, litigation and when necessary, in eminent domain trials. Our goal is to negotiate the most money for your property. To do this, we will:
- Evaluate all aspects of the taking for potential impact.
- Secure independent review(s) of your property and utilities when prudent.
- Determine long-term impact, including on mortgage, property taxes, resale value, other considerations.
Property takings can be stressful and complicated. Our eminent domain team will assist in navigating the condemnation process from beginning to end, adding voice to your concerns which may otherwise be ignored. We generally represent clients on a contingency fee basis; this means our firm is only paid if we get you more money than what the government offered.
Visit indianapropertyrights.com