Indianapolis Attorneys for Amniocentesis Birth Injuries
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 3.78 million babies were born in the United States in 2018. Every day pregnant women put their trust in healthcare professionals during the labor and delivery process. Unfortunately, not all births occur without difficulties. In some cases, physician error can cause serious permanent injury to the unborn baby.
Is amniocentesis safe
Amniocentesis is an invasive diagnostic procedure that involves the insertion of a needle into a pregnant mother’s uterus to collect a sample of the amniotic fluid that surrounds and protects the baby. All medical procedures carry a level of risk. It is a physician’s duty to communicate medical risks to the patient to determine the desired course of treatment. Amniocentesis is used for several reasons including diagnosis of a fetal infection, paternal testing, genetic testing, and fetal lung testing to name a few.
Risks involved in amniocentesis include leaking amniotic fluid, needle injury to the baby, infection, infection transmission to the baby, and miscarriage. Each pregnancy is unique and these risks and potential for injury vary between patients. It is important to discuss these risks with your doctor if you are considering amniocentesis. It is also important that your doctor be properly trained to perform the procedure.
Summary of a negligently performed amniocentesis/amnioinfusion lawsuit
A young woman presented to a maternal fetal medicine specialist who recommended an amniocentesis and amnioinfusion. In attempting to complete the procedure, the doctor inserted the amniocentesis needle into the patient’s uterus approximately 25 times. The needle injured the unborn child and caused the patient’s membranes to rupture prematurely resulting in infection. As a result, labor was induced a few days later and the child passed away shortly after her birth.
Your baby deserves the best start in life. When that start is damaged by the negligence of physicians and healthcare professionals the effects can be devastating. Permanent injury or death to the baby or mother changes a family’s life forever. If your family or a family you know suffered the devastating effects of a birth injury, contact us. The personal injury attorneys at CohenMalad, LLP have a depth of experience litigating claims of serious child injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and birth injuries and can provide you with a free case evaluation.