Indianapolis, IN Lawyers for Failure to Diagnose Malfunctioning Shunt in Hydrocephalic Child
When a child is ill, the timing of medical treatment can be crucial to avoiding permanent injury as well as ensuring future quality of life. Many medical devices exist to treat conditions and promote well-being; however, sometimes devices break or fail. When a medical professional fails to diagnose a malfunctioning medical device, the results can be devastating.
Hydrocephalus is sometimes called “water in the brain.” Hydrocephalus occurs when the cerebrospinal fluid, which circulates around the brain, fails to drain properly. When this fluid does not drain, it creates pressure on the brain. If left undiagnosed and untreated, hydrocephalus can cause short-term memory loss, impaired motor skills, vision problems, convulsions, seizures, and mental retardation.
Depending on the age and physical development of the patient, the symptoms of hydrocephalus may vary. In infants, an obvious sign of hydrocephalus is a rapid increase of skull circumference. This is due to the fact that the skull has not fused together yet and the fluid pushes through the gaps in the bones. For older patients, the symptoms typically include headaches and a host of other motor problems as pressure on different areas of the brain impair the functions that it controls.
The common treatment for hydrocephalus is the surgical placement of shunts to encourage proper draining of the cerebrospinal fluid which helps alleviate the pressure around the brain. Shunts are placed between the brain ventricles and in the abdominal cavity to reduce the high internal pressure of fluid.
The shunt that is placed in the brain is a medical device made of flexible but sturdy plastic tubing. A catheter is attached to the shunt to divert the cerebrospinal fluid to another area of the body where it can be reabsorbed.
The treatment for hydrocephalus does not end once the shunt is surgically implanted into the patient. A medical professional should monitor the patient to ensure that the device is working properly. Mechanical failures, obstructions, and infections are complications that may occur. Failure to diagnose a malfunctioning shunt in a hydrocephalic child can be a very serious error for a physician to make as a blockage in the shunt may increase the pressure on the brain which can lead to serious injury for the child.
Failure to Diagnose Malfunctioning Shunt in Hydrocephalic Child Claim
Child presented to physicians and hospital residents in Indianapolis, Indiana, showing signs of a malfunctioning shunt. Medical personnel failed to identify shunt as the cause for excess pressure on the brain and as a result, the hydrocephalic child experienced brain damage. Claim was filed and during discovery ,it was noted that the crucial Physician Progress Notes turned up missing at the hospital and the case had to be proved with reference to the Nurses Notes. Case settled for a significant amount.
Indiana Child Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Medical personnel are trained to use surgical devices to improve the quality of life for their patients. When a physician or medical professional fails to diagnosis a malfunctioning device such as a brain shunt for a hydrocephalic child the results can be catastrophic. If you, your child, or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of a physician’s failure to diagnose a malfunctioning shunt or other medical device, contact us. Our experienced Indianapolis medical malpractice attorneys can discuss your Indiana medical malpractice claim with you and inform you of your legal rights and options. We have litigated cases for people who received treatment in South Bend, Indianapolis, Evansville, Anderson, Lafayette and all across the state of Indiana.
There is no fee for your initial consultation and we do not collect fees until your claim is paid. CohenMalad, LLP has earned a well-respected reputation as a tough litigation firm in the courtroom and during negotiations and can bring Power to Your Voice.