Indianapolis Lawyers for Failure to Diagnose Throat Cancer
A physician’s expertise in medical diagnosis can be the matter of life or death for a patient. When a physician or other medical professional makes an error by failing to diagnose a disease or injury, the result can be deadly. Failure to diagnose throat cancer in a patient is one type of Indiana medical malpractice claim that can be filed to help a victim and their family receive compensation for injury due to physician error.
In the United States, there are over 14,000 of new cases of throat cancer reported each year according to a national registry. Throat cancer includes any cancers that affect the tissues of the nasopharynx, which is the upper part of the throat located behind the nose. It also includes the oropharynx, which is the middle part of the pharynx. The hypopharynx is the lower part of the pharynx and is also an area that can be impacted by throat cancer. Cancer of the voice box, or larynx, is also considered a type of throat cancer.
Throat cancer can be accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck area, sore throat, hoarse sounding voice, difficulty or pain swallowing, mouth bleeding and earaches are all symptoms of this disease. Much like any disease, the earlier the diagnosis, the better so that treatment can begin. When a physician fails to diagnose throat cancer, precious treatment time can be lost which may require more invasive methods of combating the disease.
Treatment for throat cancer varies based on the stage of the cancer as well as the patient’s overall health. Surgery to remove the cancerous cells, radiation, and chemotherapy are all treatments that may be used to combat the cancer. Doctors tend to have more treatment options available to use on patients if the cancer is caught in an early stage.
It is unclear exactly what causes throat cancer. Alcohol and tobacco use have been cited as factors that increase a person’s risk of developing throat cancer. Environmental factors may also exist in certain industries where known carcinogenic compounds are present. Recent evidence has also included a possible link between the human papillomavirus and throat cancer.
Failure to Diagnose Throat Cancer Claim
Failure of physicians in Evansville, Indiana, to diagnose throat cancer in a young female patient who complained of a sore throat for 18 months resulted in the removal of the patient’s tongue, voice box and the complete reconstruction of her neck. Maximum settlement obtained.
Indiana Medical Malpractice Attorney
Medical personnel are trained to recognize symptoms of various ailments so that a proper diagnosis can be given. Early detection of cancer can offer a patient more treatment options and a greater chance for survival. When a doctor fails to diagnose throat cancer precious treatment time is lost. If you or someone you care about suffered a serious injury as a result of a doctor’s failure to diagnose throat cancer or other disease, contact us. Our experienced Indianapolis medical malpractice attorneys have litigated cases originating in South Bend, Evansville, Terre Haute, Muncie, Anderson, and all around Indiana.
There is no fee for your initial consultation and we do not collect fees until your claim is paid. CohenMalad, LLP has earned a well-respected reputation as a tough litigation firm in the courtroom and during negotiations and can bring Power to Your Voice.