Indianapolis Internal Bleeding & Peritonitis Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Accidents can happen at any time. When they do, patients and their families rely on medical personnel to use their training and education to diagnose and treat the injuries with skill and precision. When a healthcare professional fails to diagnose an injury and treat it appropriately, the results can be devastating.
Injuries sustained from a vehicle accident can be deadly. Each year over 35,000 people die in the United States from automobile accidents. One conservative estimate suggests that another 1 million people are injured as a result of a motor vehicle collision each year.
Concussions and head trauma are two common injuries associated with motor vehicle accidents. These types of injuries require immediate medical attention as serious complications could result.
While there is no single definition of a concussion, a person is considered to have a concussion anytime there is minor injury to the head. Symptoms which are associated with a concussion include dizziness, vomiting or nausea, difficulty balancing, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, and confusion. Sometimes a person who experiences a concussion will also lose consciousness.
When head trauma occurs that is more severe than a concussion the result can include a skull fracture. When an accident occurs and the skull is fractured, not only is the bone broken, but the membranes that surround the brain and nerve tissue may be torn. A basilar skull fracture is any type of break that involves the temporal, occipital, sphenoid, or ethmoid bones. The symptoms for this type of severe injury vary based on the area impacted but can include black eyes, leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid, and bleeding from the nose and ears. Patients experiencing any of these symptoms following a collision should seek immediate medical attention.
When a person is involved in a severe crash, other internal injuries may also occur. Healthcare professionals are routinely trained to evaluate patients involved in accidents so that they can diagnose and treat them effectively. When internal organs are damaged, internal bleeding, peritonitis, or an inflammation of the lining in the abdomen may occur. A CT scan is often performed to diagnose peritonitis so that treatment may be prescribed. Treatment typically requires surgery if internal bleeding is found. If not treated, peritonitis can lead to serious injury or death.
Internal Bleeding Medical Malpractice Claim
A teenage boy was run over by a truck. A CT Scan of the boy’s abdomen revealed pelvic free fluid (suggesting that he was bleeding internally). Even in light of these x-ray findings and the diagnosis of a skull fracture, the boy was sent home from the hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he died in his parents’ arms. An autopsy also revealed peritonitis caused by the internal injuries. Case settled for a significant amount for the parents.
Indiana Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Healthcare professionals are trained to recognize symptoms of various ailments so that a proper diagnosis can be given and treatment can begin. When a physician or other medical professional fails to diagnose a condition and fails to provide the proper treatment for a patient, the impact can be significant. The patient may become permanently injured or die. If you or someone you care about suffered a serious injury as a result of a healthcare professional’s failure to diagnose and treat peritonitis or a skull fracture, contact us. We serve people in Indianapolis, Tipton, Carmel, Lake County, Martinsville, Bloomington, Anderson, and all across the state of Indiana. Our experienced Indianapolis medical malpractice attorneys can discuss your Indiana medical malpractice claim with you and inform you of your legal rights and options.
There is no fee for your initial consultation and we do not collect fees until your claim is paid. CohenMalad, LLP has earned a well-respected reputation as a tough litigation firm in the courtroom and during negotiations and can bring Power to Your Voice.