Anyone who has ever gone to the dentist over immediate concerns puts their faith in the dentist to appropriately exam them and provide a diagnosis. It can be scary, not to mention expensive, to hear that a tooth or several teeth need to be pulled. But what if a tooth extraction isn’t medically necessary?
Dental malpractice can occur when a dental professional fails to properly treat, fails to perform a timely or correct diagnosis, or causes injury to a patient as a result of their actions. Failure to inform the patient of the available treatment options along with the associated risks and benefits can also be considered an example of Indiana dental malpractice.
The Indiana State Department of Health compiles statistics on the dental health of Hoosier residents. In 2016, the ISDH published an Oral Health Surveillance report and indicated approximately 11 percent of Indiana residents over the age of 18 had more than 5 and less than all of their teeth extracted at some point in their lifetime.
Unnecessary tooth extraction injuries
If your dentist advises you that a tooth extraction is necessary, whether it is a wisdom tooth extraction or any other type of tooth extraction, you do have the option to seek a second opinion. Any dental procedure carries with it a level of risk. If the tooth extraction procedure is not done properly, the patient could suffer injuries such as nerve damage or a jaw fracture.
Summary of an unnecessary tooth extraction claim
In a case where a 31 year-old patient was incorrectly informed by her dentist that she had extensive infection around her teeth which could lead to endocarditis (an infection of the structures around the heart), the dentist pulled 14 of her teeth. The patient then had to go through the humility of dentures at such a young age. Recovery for her to undergo dental implants to replace her natural teeth was accomplished. Case settled for a significant amount.
Your Rights in a Dental Malpractice Claim
If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of dental negligence, you may have an Indiana dental malpractice claim. Our experienced Indianapolis medical and dental malpractice attorneys are available to consult with you regarding your rights and options. We do not charge for your initial consultation and do not collect fees until you are compensated for your claim. Contact us now to discuss your claim. CohenMalad, LLP has earned a well-respected reputation as a tough litigation firm in the courtroom and during negotiations and can bring Power to Your Voice.