Former Priest David Huneck Sentenced to Home Detention in Sexual Abuse Cases
David Huneck, a former priest and high school chaplain at Bishop Dwenger High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana was sentenced to 180 days of home detention after he pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two teenagers. Huneck admitted to providing alcohol and sexually assaulting two teenage girls in his home in Columbia City, Indiana. The plea agreement allows Huneck to avoid serving jail time and instead includes 80 hours of community service, a year and a half of probation, and a requirement that he complete a substance abuse assessment.
Sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy and trusted advisors within the church community can cause life-long trauma to children and adolescents. Therapy and other mental health resources can help sexual abuse survivors in the healing process. CohenMalad, LLP attorneys have experience litigating claims against churches and schools to help sexual abuse survivors get compensation to pay for needed therapy. If you, your child, or someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse, contact us. We understand the sensitive nature of this type of lawsuit and can provide you with a free consultation. If we decide to pursue a claim for you, we will not collect any attorney fees until your case is settled.
More information about our sexual abuse practice can be found here. You are also invited to listen to our podcast Support For Survivors.