CohenMalad, LLP Partners Knoll and Mulligan Named to Leadership in Strattice Hernia Mesh Litigation
CohenMalad, LLP is pleased to announce that a New Jersey Superior Court just appointed partner Jonathan A. Knoll as Co-Lead Counsel for Plaintiffs and partner Edward (Ned) B. Mulligan V as Litigation Liaison Counsel for Plaintiffs in a Multi-County Litigation (MCL) consolidated in Atlantic City, New Jersey for injury claims involving Strattice Hernia Mesh.
As Co-Lead and Litigation Liaison Counsel, Knoll and Mulligan will be responsible for organizing and facilitating pretrial proceedings on behalf of all plaintiffs represented by the litigation. This includes leading the litigation during pre-trial discovery and the bellwether trial process and working with defense counsel to complete discovery and ensure the litigation proceeds in an efficient manner.
Knoll has previously served in leadership roles on behalf of plaintiffs in In Re: Consolidated Fresenius Cases (Granuflo) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Middlesex County, MICV2013-3400-O, and in the Gilead Tenofovir Cases consolidated in San Francisco Superior Court. Mulligan currently serves as a court-appointed member of the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee in the Gilead Tenofovir Cases, consolidated in San Francisco Superior Court, where he also serves as co-chair of the discovery committee, and the multi-district litigation involving the drug Zofran, venued in federal court in Boston, Massachusetts.
CohenMalad, LLP attorneys have built a reputation as national leaders in the field of mass torts, and specifically in fighting hard for people who have been injured by dangerous drugs and medical devices. They are not afraid to go up against the largest of pharmaceutical and device manufacturers and are tough opponents in the courtroom. If you or someone you know had hernia repair surgery involving Strattice Hernia Mesh and suffered a serious injury, contact us for a free case evaluation.