Indiana Bar Foundation Receives $38,000 from CohenMalad, LLP Settlement Funds
CohenMalad, LLP is pleased to announce the Indiana Bar Foundation received over $38,000 as a distribution of unclaimed settlement funds. The funds come from a consumer protection lawsuit CohenMalad, LLP filed on behalf of a group of credit union members who were charged improper account fees. The court approved the distribution of these unclaimed funds to the Indiana Bar Foundation. These funds will help the Indiana Bar Foundation continue to provide educational programs to Indiana students that teach civic responsibility and promote access to justice for individual via civil legal aid programs.
“The Indiana Bar Foundation provides programs throughout the state of Indiana to support the legal profession and help individuals in their pursuit of justice through the civil courts. We are happy these funds can help in such an impactful way especially given the challenges brought by the global pandemic and economic hardships felt by many this year,” said Lynn Toops partner at CohenMalad, LLP.